The future of the Atlas in the Lagoon Information System (LIS) and its application

In the course of this work, not only did we come to realise the difficulties inherent in the multiple meanings of the word Atlas; we also had to deal with the lack of a common viewpoint, shared by the many organisations and institutions which study or have studied the Lagoon. Unfortunately, given such complex problems, the present Atlas is rather limited, but it is still a first step and, we hope, one in the right direction. From the experience of the environmental Atlas of the Lagoon of Venice emerged the idea of launching a Lagoon Information System (LIS), with two main objectives:
a) transferring the contents of the Atlas to the LIS. This involves specifying the hierarchy of themes (basic infrastructure) and enlarging the information system of the Region – until now mainly concerned with the mainland – to cover aspects of the Lagoon more fully;
b) defining a “standard protocol” for the collection, analysis and uploading to the web of information on the Lagoon (de facto status, updating, etc.), i.e., all the information which is currently not available to the City Council, but which must be obtained via specific agreements and protocols, which need to be examined and improved.
It is envisaged that the LIS will become the main point of reference for anyone seeking environmental information regarding the Lagoon, providing a “one-stop service” – significantly reducing the time required to obtain data – to the public and professionals, but also to the personnel of the authorities themselves. It will also enable the spread and use of recognised, homogeneous and certified information. The data will not necessarily all have to be managed directly by the SIL, but can be kept on the systems of other structures, to which the LIS will direct users under the terms of the relevant agreements and protocols. The LIS must therefore define:
– the contents of a Geographical Information System dedicated to environmental protection issues;
– its initial structure, and the technical and administrative procedures by which it will be systematically updated;
– the organization of the data, so as to guarantee effective public access and unrestricted use by relevant local government bodies;
– unified procedures for the sharing of data among organisations.

Since september 2009 the Beta version of the LIS wss available online (only in Italian)

Since 2011 the LIS was renamed back "Atlas of the lagoon" as the original book, and is available online at the URL: